Subject: Even DOGA is getting into the Christmas spirit! (Plug)
Posted on: 2008-12-10 21:53:00 UTC

On the principle of "better late than never", and also, "Advent's not even half over yet", I am proud (?) to present...

The PPC Advent Calender 2008

(With the kind assistance of the cast of GenericSurface, who are very glad I didn't really have to shove them into little boxes)

The mechanism is simple: click on the date and an image will come up. The first ten days are already up, so you can click through them. Preferably in order, since each contains spoilers for the ones before it. The idea here is that you could have a hardcopy version of this in which the new parts in each image are what you'd find behind the door that day. Obviously, though, I can't do that at this point.

Since this is in effect only a fifteen-day project, I should even get it all finished! Thrilling fun, I know. We'll see.

hS, not working, silly him

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