Subject: Hey there!
Posted on: 2008-11-26 15:51:00 UTC

Like hS said, I remember you, but that was when I was but a wee newbie and didn't talk much.

I DO know Hawkelf and Blayze, and I also RP with them (though sadly not so much in the last couple of years, college being what it is), so we have that in common. Are you aware of the insanity that is our version of the Lounge? *g*

hS pretty well covered fandoms, I think. I find myself with mostly Harry Potter crossovers of various types on my list, but Pern turns up rather frequently, too, now that the author allows fanfic.

Anyhow, welcome back! Pull up a chair; stay awhile. Try the latest Bleep concoctions, maybe some edible punctuation--"for it is dull," as Jadis says, "to drink without eating." ^_^


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