Subject: Re: Legendary Badfic
Posted on: 2008-11-27 04:56:00 UTC

Hey, fellow literary masochist here! I've looked over the Legendary Badfic on the Wiki, and I also think it needs some additions. While the ones they have are in fact absolutely horrific, I can tell the editors missed out on the darkness that plagued the net in my time (I.E late 90s). I'm surprised, frex, that the Marissa Picard Chronicles aren't on there. Others that definitely merit attention:
1.The Misery Sensei Neo-Zero Double Blitzkrieg Debacle. It's an epic length (500 page) Sailor Moon/Daria crossover that ends up being absolutely incomprehensible. Has been Msted, to great success.
2.The Oscarfics. Oh God. Written by a self-proclaimed 13 year old hermaphrodite, who inserts himself into the Sailor Moon Universe to pursue the affections of Artemis. That's right, the cat. Yeah. Some brave souls actually managed to MSTie it.
3. Agony in Pink. Quite possibly the worst Fanfic in existence. Completely blows My Immortal out of the Water. Basically, the Pink Ranger from Power Rangers gets kidnapped by the main villian and tortured, raped, and eventually murdered. So bad it actually caused Australia to ban Usenet for a while.

If anyone can so much as touch these, you will have my unending admiration and respect. Tread carefully.

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