Subject: So far...
Posted on: 2008-11-24 06:14:00 UTC

I've done one FicPsych story, one DIC story, and three 'Sues. Two of the 'Sues were explained as being misdirected because of Nume's transfer, but still. The other one was a co-mission with hS (representing DOGA) and Kippur (representing Implausibility or something like that).

I'm planning more FicPsych and DIC stuff, and also some deliberate DMS stuff with a new agent pair.

Not that I wouldn't take bad slash if it came up in the course of things. I've got Subjugation on my list, for heaven's sake. O.o

... I've just revealed my depressingly low rate of mission production. Does it help that I've done a bunch of other PPC-related writing? ^_^;


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