Subject: Oooh, pick me!
Posted on: 2008-11-21 06:38:00 UTC

*glomps Sub Rosa's part* ... I've always liked her. >.>

I can do some random Sues, too. I'm pretty sure I can manage to make them not sound like me--or, more to the point, like Jenni or the Sub Rosa.

I has pictures, oh my yes.

Jenni, Nume, and Ilraen: Ten Portraits. This is probably the best reference for face shape and colors.

Jenni: Whine, Couch close-up, Genderbender, Jenni and Erik, Pensive, Portrait. ... She's been around for a while. >.>

Nume: bad drawing and better sketch.

Ilraen: just this one.


Oh, by the way, any luck with the crazy multi-lingual Scottish guy? I didn't forget about him, but I didn't hear anything after my inquiry about pronunciation.

~Neshomeh, artistic.

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