Subject: Here's the fics I promised:
Posted on: 2008-11-20 07:55:00 UTC


String Theory--A massive epic involving an alternate Peter and Hiro attempting to change the world by going from dimension to dimension. There are twenty-six universes in all, and each is different from the rest. A truly creative fic, one I would recommend if you have the time.

Alternate Universe--yet another "what-if-Mohinder-met-Sylar-before-he-started-killing-people" fic, except it is extraordinarily well done. No, seriously. It's a genuinely well-written love story, and much better than some of the romances I've seen published.


Creating a Family--This is a crack fic done right. Pretty much, Itachi Uchiha decides to rebuild his family, and does so in the most disturbingly hilarious manner possible.
<a href="

There's more, but it's 2 in the morning and I'm dead tired. I'll post the rest tomorrow.

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