Subject: Well, which?
Posted on: 2008-11-17 21:02:00 UTC

Assuming you follow the river (which in the days before SatNav and tarmac roads is the only way to be sure you get there) it's thirty miles or so from the Halls to Esgaroth-on-the-Long-Lake. Apparently a horse's trotting speed is 5-10 mph, which means that's a day's travel or a little less (accounting for terrain, trees, escort, anything you're bringing with you, random spider attacks, and lunch). From Esgaroth, it's then another thirty miles to Dale. Pushing your horse, and/or switching horses at Esgaroth, it's just conceivable you could make the trip in a day. But that's not advisable, and you'd probably make your horse very unhappy. Remember it gets rocky up around Dale, too.

If I had my atlas I could tell you how long the Esgaroth-Dale trip took on ponies. But I don't. Sad.


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