Subject: Permission? *hides*
Posted on: 2008-11-12 18:25:00 UTC

Because I really, really hate being confused about things, and my agents really *do* need to be run by people (mostly because of darling Samuel), and I would feel so much happier doing this the official way.

...please don't hurt me. *wince*

Anyway. Let's see.

Brief Character Summaries (cue the wall of text):

Agent Katrina (may also be called Kat or Katri, the former is preferable)

Kat is a short young woman, somewhere in her late teens. Her hair is a curly strawberry-blonde that will tangle if you so much as look at it sideways. To attempt to prevent this, Kat usually braids her hair; it doesn’t help too much.

Kat comes from the Real World. She had been an avid fanfiction reader and, occasionally, writer, before she accidentally wrote a plothole into existence. With her customary lack of grace outside of dance class, Kat tripped over thin air and fell through the plothole, and, luckily for all involved, into the PPC HQ, where she was more or less drafted. After that, she suddenly had a lot less time for reading and writing.

Kat is generally cheerful and talkative, though she gets homicidal when her L.O.s are toyed with (who doesn't?) and she often ineffectually attempts to implement sarcasm.

And now for Samuel, of whom I'm slightly less sure.

Samuel is a tall man of indeterminate age. His hair is long and black, with prominent white streaks at his temples, and is usually pulled back in a loose ponytail. There is always a simple silver band around his right wrist. If this comes off, bad things happen. Samuel’s origins are a mystery to everyone except him – and he’s not sharing. One thing that is certain is that Samuel is not his real name. He also seems to have been accustomed to authority.

Another certainty about Samuel is that he has oodles of power over space-time. Not space or time individually: space-time. However, in return for his inordinate amount of power, Samuel has almost zero control. The probability that he will turn up at the point he wants is about 1 in 3,141,592,653,589,793, which also happens to be pi with the decimal point severely misplaced. His power also has a habit of popping out at random, extremely inconvenient times.

One of Samuel’s misfires landed him smack in the middle of PPC HQ; he was summarily recruited. Before he went anywhere else, he managed to acquire a handy device to seal his powers from DoSAT. Given a choice between extreme power with no control and no power but control over his daily life, Samuel took the ‘no power’ choice.

Samuel is very quiet, speaking only when he feels the need, and even then he tries to be concise. He has a very dry sense of humor, one which doesn't always come across well. He is, however, very impulsive, and gets very annoyed (irrational, even) when canon is tampered with, even when he doesn't know the continuum very well.

These are the shortened summaries. I have longer ones available if it becomes necessary.

Suefic to kill...

A Fragile Soul

Actually, I've got it mostly done. I just... want to make sure I'm not doing anything heinous by putting it on the interwebs.

And writing sample...


If more is wanted, I can point to my FF-net account. Not all of it's my best work, but I'm always trying to improve. That counts for something, right?

So yeah.
That's about it.
I'm going to hide under my table and hope I'm not a completely paranoid little idiot.
And oh yeah! I know I haven't been very active on the board lately but I don't always feel that my input is relevant to the situation. So yeah. I'm really quiet, but I am here. Really.
*hides again*

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