Subject: How lovely!
Posted on: 2008-11-12 01:38:00 UTC

And I echo ArticBlade, in that I will gladly write something for you, on the subject/character of your choice, in exchange.

A picture of myself and my agents would be wonderful. ^^

I'll email you links to one or two of myself. Avatar-maker pictures (and physical descriptions) of Teek and Crebaina can be found on my Freewebs site (, click on "Agent Bios"), and another of Teek on her Wiki page.

For Crelmos... well, he might be a bit difficult, but pictures and info on Cardassians can be found here:

Black-and-white is fine, by the way. ^^

A little more info (and self-pictures) in forthcoming e-mail.

I have to say again, this is so sweet of you. ^w^

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