Subject: Thanks.
Posted on: 2008-11-07 23:54:00 UTC

I'm sure it'll live up to my expectations, I'm not exactly expecting the next Citizen Kane or anything, I just get the feeling it'll be a good and entertaining film, heh. And yeah, I was able to learn some stuff from the wiki and script, but don't know quite as much as the others do (in fact, one part of my motivation behind joining the project was to catch up on just WTF had been happening since I last left. XD). Still, I figured the project needed help, I could catch up on stuff, I liked the idea of the project, and I needed to shake off the rust from my voice acting, so I figured it was better than leaving it to flounder. I just hope I can do well on all the roles I found myself picking up, heh.

I am glad that I haven't disappointed you so far, and hope to continue to be of service. And yeah, heh, I popped up right at the deadline almost, so I was quite literally a last-minute shoein. No offense to be taken in that, it's actually kind of amusing, now that I know I didn't irritate people by doing so.

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