Subject: In the second month of a pregnancy
Posted on: 2008-10-18 06:54:00 UTC

You're not likely to really even be showing a bump, and the prospect of a spontaneous miscarriage is still high-ish, so don't let your pregnant Agent fall over or run around too much. She needs to watch her food intake and all her meat needs to be very well cooked. She should be taking folate supplements.

Other than that, she can do almost everything a not-up-the-duff woman can; pregnancy only really seems to slow you down in the third trimester, unless morning sickness is really bad or there are other complications, but that sort of thing isn't too common.

Trust me, I'm NOT a doctor! And this is off-the-top-of-my-head, so I really would check any of my ideas against a medical text, a local doctor, or failing that, Wikipedia...

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