Subject: Permission Asking!
Posted on: 2008-10-07 18:59:00 UTC

So I've been around since August 18 (the day the Ypur invasion began, no less), and I've FINALLY decided to ask for the permission to join. Without further ado, let us begin the great begging and groveling before the Permission Givers Permission Asking!


Agent Yuki: An anthropomorphic Froslass, Yuki is calm, level-headed, and is rarely without a cool reply. Unless fire is involved, because fire is NO GOOD for ice-type Pokemon. We are not going to get into that, however. Yuki likes cold places, and in the absence of cold she uses her ice attacks to make things cold. She is protective of her home canon, but doesn't mind going out to freeze 'Sues in other continua.

Yuki is a floater, and focuses mainly on the Pokemon canon.

Yuki appears to be in her mid-twenties with white skin and hair, like a ghost. Her eyes are electric blue with yellow sclerae, a trait all Froslass exhibit. She likes wearing her hair in a bun and a red sash around her waist.

Agent Alexander "Kip" von Tepesblut: A vampire, albeit a bit less stable than most. Appearing about 18, he whines, sulks, and swears when things don't go his way, and he possesses a questionable sense of humor. He has no moral issues against killing, but such things are trivial. Humans alone might be in danger, but Homo Sapiens Agents need not fear when there are so many OCs just ripe for the picking.
Ideally Kip would only have to feed every month or so, but that scenario maintains that he not get seriously injured and avoids prolonged exposure to sunlight, two conditions that he has a distinct problem with following, and therefore requires food more often than most.
In the event that Kip is deprived of blood, instinct takes over and things die. He'll come out of this condition once he's full, with no recollection of what happened while driven by instinct.
Interestingly enough, Kip will be forced into this instinctive state if he is bitten by a zombie, although it doesn't last very long. No one really knows why this happens, but zombies are advised against biting him.
Otherwise, Kip tends to be rather human in his demeanor. He can generally pass as human, so long as he doesn't say anything incriminating or displays unnatural strength. This tends to be a problem.

Kip is in the Department of Mary Sues, since eradicating things is mildly entertaining to him. He should not, however, be allowed within a mile of a Twilight fanfiction. It won't end well.

Kip is tall, lanky, and pale, with messy black hair. He's got reddish eyes and does not sparkle in the sun.

Writing sample:
(from a fic I'm writing in the World Ends With You canon, born when I couldn't take the bad fics on the Pit any more)

“Minamimoto-kun, would you please pay attention?”
The tanned 18 year-old glanced up, pausing in his half-hearted chewing of his pencil. “Eh?”
“The problem on the board, if you would.”
Sho Minamimoto stretched with an exaggerated sigh. He knew this already, why did they expect him to recite it over and over? He eyed his classmates, all frantically scribbling on their papers or tapping on their calculators. Let them think they had the answer; Sho wasn’t going to even look at the board until all of the rest had gotten some erroneous answer.
“Minamimoto-kun!” The teacher glared. It was bad enough that Sho Minamimoto had the gall to lean back in his seat, feet resting on his desk. The boy’s arrogance, rudeness, and blatant disrespect for authority had gotten him in trouble numerous times; it was a wonder he was still in school. He would have been thrown out ages ago, had it not been for his genius in the area of mathematics.
“Alright, alright. Don’t get your integers all divided by zero, sensei.” Sho yawned. Several of his classmates had finished and were waiting for his answer. A second, fake yawn, and he finally looked at his challenge. His mind whirred, processing the mathematical conundrum. Pencil did not meet paper, for Sho did not need the tools his fellow classmates so heavily depended on. Ten seconds passed… fifteen… twenty… twenty-seven seconds, and he had his answer. A twisted smirk spread over his face.
“It’s unsolvable. If you do the math right, you’ll wind up with a zero in the denominator halfway through.” His classmates stirred with disbelief. “That can’t be right, I got four…” “What? I don’t see it!” “How did he do it that quickly?!” He grinned. “Well, sensei, what’s the solution? Don’t leave these radians hanging.”
The teacher fixed Sho with a gaze that would cause other students to recoil, before glancing at the answer in his hand. “The answer is… none. It is, as Minamimoto-kun said, unsolvable.”
Sho spread his arms. “Soh-cah-toa. I’d ask for another, but school’s nearly over, and my fellow students of math wouldn’t be able to obtain the desired solution in the time that’s left. They shouldn’t have to be stuck with a time limit they can’t hope to meet.” He knew his words would go over badly; several students growled under their breaths. Sho didn’t care. He didn’t need them. They were only a few extraneous variables in a mathematical world.

(end excerpt)

I'm a dork who researched Japanese school systems to get the addressing right.

I'm also the idiot who decided that murdering My Immortal would be fun, and enlisted SealRat in the cause.

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