Subject: A new discovery concerning foodstuffs
Posted on: 2008-10-02 00:20:00 UTC

Recently, during an RP, Cirichen discovered an amazing thing. Punctuation is edible! She found this out by taking a bite from an exclamation mark smebody dropped.

After an intensive taste-test trial conducted by Trojie, Plat and Cassie, we have discovered the basic flavours of each type of punctuation. The list is as follows:

! chocolate, with a hint of spices
” bacon and eggs
£ sauerkraut
$ buttered potatoes
% curry
^ bouillabaisse
& pistachios
* pizza
( nougat
_ pork sausages
- bagel
+ cheese
= chewing gum
{ fried fish
[ apple sauce
: beef stroganoff with rice
; bananas
@ choc chip biscuit
’ never ending gobstopper, many flavours
~ roast chicken
# broccoli
, caramel
. Cornish pasty
? borscht - an East European beetroot soup
/ enchiladas

Another thing we have discovered is that the font affects the flavour. For example, a % mark, which has the basic flavour of curry, tastes like korma in Arial font, whereas in Times New Roman it could taste of tikka masala.

Anyway. We hope that this information is of use to you all, particularly Agents who land up in a fic with a lot of unnecessary punctuation around and no rations with them. Enjoy!

*leaves a table full of assorted punctuation for everyone to try*

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