Subject: Actually ...
Posted on: 2008-09-24 22:56:00 UTC

... we were going to use Jack earlier, in a comedy chapter. (insanegrrl and I have already shown in missions that the Jack cast know about the Canon Protection Initiative - well, the dead ones do - and there have been shoutouts to Redwall in the canon comic - see Artie's wife being treated in Saint Ninian's Hospital - and I find the idea of a field trip in Hell to be deeply amusing.) Besides, Jack already has a fanfic board, though not an OFU - webcomic OFUs may not be a good idea because the original author would be looking over your shoulder all the time and things would get weird.

The one I was thinking of is purely PG-rated, but still rather darker and more gruesome than Redwall (not that Mossflower doesn't have its fair share of random deaths, but they're slightly more avoidable there). Trouble is, it's also very obscure, so it's likely that nobody reading would understand what was going on. Probably a bad idea, then.

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