Subject: Calling all untanglers!
Posted on: 2008-08-15 23:38:00 UTC

Don't look for trouble it will come to you reviews
Angel and Willow are pulled into another dimension where they meet Aragorn, Legolas and the rest of The Fellowship Of The Ring. There are dark times ahead as Legolas has to face his past and a new twist lands him in turmoil once again. It is up to Aragorn
Lord of the Rings - Fiction Rated: M - English - Adventure/Horror - Chapters: 1 - Words: 14,635 - Reviews: 1 - Updated: 2-23-03 - Published: 2-23-03

It's set during the quest, I think. I say 'I think' because the ring seemingly doesn't matter because they all abandon Frodo and the quest to save Legolas who gets raped by his father only to be told Thranduil wasn't his father at all and Elrond is his true father. Also Legolas and Aragorn leave with Angel and Willow for earth to help their world. The beta should be taken out and shot for all the errors in this monstrosity. There are just not enough words to describe how awful it is!


p.s. remember the fic Boz4pm MSTed? Guess what: same author.

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