Subject: Perhaps I can help, instead?
Posted on: 2008-08-16 06:33:00 UTC

I hope you are familiar with the concept of a wiki, because if you aren't, this explanation will make less sense to you.

There exists a wiki called "TV Tropes", which is devoted to collecting and, to a degree, analyzing "tropes" (basically, commonly-used concepts and methods of execution, such as shoulder angels/devils and genre savvy); despite its name, it accepts examples from anything, up to and including real life and fanfic. Since there is no such thing as notability on TV Tropes, examples don't even have to be from something widely known.

One of the tropes is the"Crowning Moment of Awesome", in which a character does something considerably more awesome than the norm; Vimes' rampage at the end of the Discworld book Thud is listed, if I remember correctly.

Does that help? If you need more information, I can see about clarifying.

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