Subject: Links to badfic authors, please?
Posted on: 2008-08-10 03:31:00 UTC

I should've put this in the other thread, but oh, well...

For sake of variety (and, in many cases, Morbid Curiosity), I'd like to send my interview questions to a few badfic authors and see what comes back. I'm a bit scared of what they might say, but it's all in the name of research. *chants* the name of research... the name of research... the name of research...

Anyway, since the wiki's not exactly available in full right now, I can't get links to the Legendary Badfic authors (LittlefootxCera author, for instance), so I appeal to you for links to any particularly annoying badficcers or RPF writers (not the plagerist trolls, though) that you know of. I'm skimming FFN now for stereotype Suethors - there's certainly enough of them, so I'm going for those who are active (ie, posted recently).

... Let me also note, for the record, that I'm going to cut the question about OFUs and the PPC out of interviews I send to them, to avoid drawing flames if they find us. Oo, that sounded very Secret Agent-ish, didn't it?

I ramble. Shutting up.

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