Subject: FInd Agents who have natural abilties for disguise.
Posted on: 2008-08-08 01:11:00 UTC

My suggestion would be Agents from the HP Continuum, with Polyjuice Potion, Agents who are capable of turning into things anyway (I.e.: Paddebrains)or those capable of altering the perception of others through illusions and the like.

Assuming Sues aren't resistant to having their minds controlled (Doubtful, none of them seem to have a mind anyway), then Agents with psychic powers will be able to attend as well, by using their powers to change how others percieve them. Downer to this is that some Psychic Sues may notice, but Agent Lunac has several devices from the Pokemon World which block psychic powers.
And lastly, but not least, you can always have the Agents who don't fit into any of the above categories to simply be invisible.

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