Subject: Help for puppy name?
Posted on: 2008-08-04 03:37:00 UTC

I've ended up with a young German Shepherd puppy. Little underweight boy since my friend found him and he was probably born in the desert.

I was originally going to name him Squid, but my dad doesn't like that name. I have no idea why not, since Squid is a perfect name.

So, I entreat all the Boarders for suggestions since I can't think of any and I'm trying to stick with a nautical/marine type theme to go with our other dog, Sailor.

I have already told Trojie I am not going to name the dog "Captain", "Jack", "Sparrow", or any combination of those, or after any of the main characters of PotC, and have already downed her suggestion of "Earendil". And several other Middleearth names.

So any suggestions? XD

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