Subject: Mission Plug! + Other Plugs
Posted on: 2008-08-02 05:25:00 UTC

Er, wow. This one took awhile to do.

Nominally a mission by July and Library set in February 08, but Pads and Trojie both intruded. This thing took forever to write (with and without heavy assistance writing it on the part of both Trojie and Pads, and a big thank you to Pads for her beta services) and is long, but I hope everyone enjoys it. Even if you've spent more than thirty minutes in a chatroom with me and got to hear me complain about it.

Mission: A Promise To Be Kept

I'll be sticking this up on my freewebs site after I've recovered from struggling with LJ during a several hour long fight.

Beyond that, several miscellanies I wrote and stuck up on my LJ that I haven't plugged but some people have probably seen, from over the last month and a half, preferring to wait until I had a mission to post.

In handy chronological order, even:
Miscellany: Buwah? a Kid?
Miscellany: Gone
Miscellany: Left
Miscellany: Return
And a Ten Years Hence.

And now I go back and return to working on a bunch more missions and interludes, because I am a nut like that.

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