Subject: I bring His Dark Materials badfic
Posted on: 2008-07-31 22:55:00 UTC

From Golden Compass/Northern Lights section:
A Change in Behaviour by BeautifullyTragic01
Mrs. Coulter visits Lyra one night before bed. Rated T for slightly adult themes. Oneshot. Lemon.

I don't know if this one is long/explicit enough to warrant attention from the Bad Slashers, but I'll include it anyway. The author definitely hasn't read The Amber Spyglass if she's writing this.

Me and Pelloneus by Kaffeine Morgan reviews
My daemon ,Pelloneus, is in grave danger from a dark spirit.Pelloneus Pell for short , is also starting to settle into a fox.

Holy run on sentences and punctuation abuse, Batman! Bad spellings, random capitalisation and logic failure are also present, and that's just the first, extremely short, chapter.

Life In Eyes of Kira by Sabaku no Kiri (does that even make sense, Japanese speakers?) reviews
Kira is Mrs. Coulters first Daughter. What will happen To Lyra with Kira Involved? Why does Kira Hate Lyra? Why hasn't Kira's daemon settled? This is 15 year old Kira's story, and according to her Lyra was the worst thing ever to happen in the world.

The Sue's daemon (how does that work, Sues have no soul!) has a Japanese name (Kuro), despite being English. He hasn't settled, even though the Sue is fifteen. She's undergone intercision (yes, HDM fans, you read that right), and is a perfectly functional being. She has WINGS(WTF?!). Oh, and she's Asriel and Coulter's daughter, and she blames Lyra for her parents splitting up.

The Golden Ball by reese-nicole-michelle reviews
Lyra now lives with her parents and gets a strange present for her birthday

Work out the fail for yourself. Roger is still alive, the Gyptians are invited to her birthday party. She has a brother.

Got Love?" by Sharin Yofitasari reviews
Billy almost die because he lost his daemon, Ratter. But Mr. Alfa helped him to recovered his life. Sharin -Mr. Alfa's daughter- like Billy, then they become a best friend. Finally, they love each other.

The's live...

I was going to check the main His Dark Materials section, but the Golden Compass/Northern Lights fail robbed me of my determination. Still, five fics is plenty to go on, right?

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