Subject: Re: Well...
Posted on: 2008-07-25 10:35:00 UTC

"The one before Voldemort was Grindelwald."

A bit hard not to notice that, what with him being a main plot point in DH.

"Haivng Harry as an Auror would allow you to write a fight scene, so if you're good with description and mental images, go that way."

I am good with fight scenes (or so I've been told), but I was sort of hoping to have something different. Harry's always an Auror (probably because of the careers meeting), but I think that he'd be slightly cautious about working for the Ministry after the amount they've messed him around. Therefore, I sort of wanted him to be a Healer just for a change of pace. However, my Healer plot just totally collapsed when I spotted a plothole. I'm still trying to make it work, but I'm probably going to have to go for the Auror plot.

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