Subject: my experience of uni and the PPC
Posted on: 2008-07-17 02:03:00 UTC that they don't actually check up on these things. If it's one particular module of your course, the odds of whoever's teaching you taking a dramatic interest, seeing what's happening, and pulling a load of lawyers on fandom's head in the name of creativity are minimal. If you were, for example, basing a Phd on a fanfictiony topic that relied heavily on the PPC, you'd be drawing a little more attention, but even then, the prospects of negative legal impact are slim; the greater worry would be having a tutor who objected in some way and thus marked you down. And if you're concentrating on the phenomena aspect rather than anything else peculiar to the fanfiction world, as a paper it works, and there would also be little basis that I can see for problems with your tutor.

And certainly, if you're choosing the PPC and related phenomena, your surveys and whatnot should be thrown this way.

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