Subject: Hmm... I think I need a consult. Paging other people!
Posted on: 2008-07-13 18:52:00 UTC

First: Where is this site? Sounds like it's right up my tree. {= )

Second: I don't want to say no, considering it's DoSAT and they need all the help they can get at this point, but I'm concerned about setting a precedent. Central-crossover-point RPs are not uncommon, and I don't think being in one--or a good AU fic, for that matter--should constitute grounds for recruitment by itself. I mean, I've been in a RP like that myself, and my two canons are both canonically dead as well as AU, but I still wouldn't recruit them. (The fact that they are the Phantom of the Opera and Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde has something to do with it, but still.)

If other people want to offer their opinions at this point, I'd appreciate it.


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