Subject: Mission Plug! Nadal/Federer Mpreg, believe it or not
Posted on: 2008-07-11 00:30:00 UTC

Apparently my having the 'flu means that me and Pads are extra productive; this time, I present to you the sporking of a Real Person Slash Mpreg Fic; Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer have a baby. Yes. You read that right.

The fic was in French. Pads doesn't really speak it and my French is six years old and very rusty, so translations were courtesy of Lee Trynace, my sister, Pads' dad and one of Pads' friends. Oh, and really silly translated sentences used for comedy are courtesy of Google.

You'll want to read this one, there's a bit of a ... surprise at the end. Heheheheh.


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