Subject: Asking for Permission
Posted on: 2008-06-27 04:33:00 UTC

I wish to request the attention of the Permission Givers.

I am requesting that my two Agents be given PPC status and allowed to start patrolling the continuums.

First Agent:

Luana Starlight
She is 24-years-old, with dark blond hair and gray eyes. She is a 5'10". She is slightly more responsible and a little less insane than her partner. The writer of the pair, she tends to get frustrated when something isn't easy to read. She enjoys reading well-written fanfiction and can't stand it when other people write Mary Sues or self-inserts that make no sense in the course of Canon. She does not mind reading AUs, except when they are badly written.
Because of her lifestyle, she enjoys different types of genres. This can include anything from Lord of the Rings to Star Wars to Monty Python. She has also already adopted a Mini-Balrog, Haildar, who is currently living in the family oven (don't ask).

Second Agent:

Orange Plaid
She is the younger sister to Luana Starlight. She is 20-years-old also with dark blond hair. She has blue eyes and is about 5'8". With a tendency to slack off when it comes to certain things, she is also the insane one of the pair. She also enjoys reading fanfiction with a tendency to stick to oldies but goodies. Loves to complain, loudly, about certain writers and their stories. With certain movies, she loves to MST them while watching, to the enjoyment of her sister/partner and their father, but to the annoyance of their other two sisters and mother.

They wish to join the Department of Floaters. They do not have any particular Canon they wish to join so they feel this would be the best place for them.

Here is a couple of samples of writing:

This one was written as a POV fic for a class.

Here is my account on I do not know what else to offer for review.
<a href="

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