Subject: Well, technically...
Posted on: 2008-06-19 11:38:00 UTC

the original fanfic would have been using the world of an esablished canon- that's what fanfic *does*. Therefore, a fanfic of the fanfic should still be in that same world.

E.g. a really good fic set in the Tolkienverse is still IN the 'verse. So fanfic of that fic would also be set in the Tolkienverse (unless they've done something really screwy, in which case they should be cleared out anyway.)

So basically, a fic of a fic would probably be violating the original canon, not the fic canon. If they're using the same characters, it'd probably be counted as a very bad copy of the fic, not a secondary fic, and would be screwing up the Canon world. It could also be nabbed for plagarism.

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