Subject: re: 5.11 Harry Potter and the Biological Essentialism (cw for transphobia/sexism)
Posted on: 2024-03-30 14:16:01 UTC

Oh, I see Umbridge is living in the same corridor as last year’s villain, what a cOiNcIdEnCe

Yeah, this chapter was a difficult read, even for a cisgender dude. It echoes real life sexism and transphobia a little too strongly, especially with the UK DoE going full Umbridge themselves . . . I just feel so bad for all that Luna is going through here. Up until now, I thought Astoria’s main redeeming quality was her acceptance of Luna, but now I see that she’s not nearly as supportive as I had imagined. Astoria still expects adherence to the rules, and it doesn’t feel to me like she really accepts Luna as a “real” girl unless she switches to the “right kind” of potion. And I definitely caught Marietta switching to “they/them” for Luna, as though we needed more reason to dislike Marietta for railroading Qiu’s interactions! And despite Umbridge wanting students to use the bathroom that matches their biological sex, her bathroom ward functions in such a way that it’s severely limiting where Lily Moon can relieve herself, even though being intersex is a completely natural way to be born; Moon should have access to ALL the bathrooms, logically speaking! And over on the sexism front, Umbridge is so very concerned about girls getting hurt playing sports, that she wants to put those girls in boxes so they never get any stronger or resilient against injuries, genius strategy. Seriously, coed sports is one of the things Rowling got right. Umbridge is so far below the bar here, she’s tunneling underground and making a wrong turn at Albuquerque! Say, has anyone told Madame Maxime about how women are so soft and fragile and defenseless? I think she might have some thoughts to contribute to that discussion.

It's interesting comparing Avalon!Harry to his canon counterpart at this point in the year. Canon!Harry was getting the blood quill torture, and understandably hated Umbridge, but he was taking the pain and not trying to show her that he was hurting. But in Avalon, Harry’s friends are the ones being tortured, and he’s ready to bust into her office and throw hands! It’s very Harry, and it must be said, very Gryffindor as well! (Angelina needs to get her priorities straightened, though!)

What a MARVELOUS Tongue-Tying Curse! I do hope Professor Babbling reflects this masterwork in Draco’s grade for the year . . . I love that once Umbridge realized how the curse was forcing her to talk about Luna, she was so desperate not to reference Luna’s chosen identity that all she could do was blurt out Luna’s surname. Bigots are pathetic, and it’s amusing! I also love that the literal second she leaves the hallway, Bonnefoy is like, “Hey kids let’s do the thing she told us not to!” There’s an example of an adult who didn’t grow up too much!

“The Frog Choir can’t be as important as the Gryffindor Quidditch team!”
I’m sorry, Ron, but band kids are cooler than jocks! It’s stated very clearly in the dialogue from High School Musical, I don’t make the rules! And the band kids at Hogwarts are even cooler, because they’re also animal caretakers! Whatcha gonna do? Frog Choir is cooler than Quidditch!

New word you taught me: “frog march”

—doctorlit tried very hard to keep this post limited to commentary on the actual chapter, and not a broad tirade against bigotry

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