Subject: Harry Potter and "there's no need to call me 'my lord', Professor."
Posted on: 2024-04-15 02:47:27 UTC

You did comment about the overemphasis on romantic pairing having a detrimental effect on kids' development! Nesh wrote an entire thing in conjunction wrt ace identity, and I totally agree--the overemphasis on True Love in Purityworld messes with ace/aro folks too. The OG worldbuilder has tried to write "platonic bonding" for supposedly ace-friendly narratives but it's still within the rigid confines of "pair off, ask Mother Magic to give you babies" which is honestly disturbing.

Yeah at the time of writing that chapter the FIDE decision about banning trans women from women's chess competitions had recently come out, and my sensitivity reader and I were staring at it like ????? what????? and we had to put in a snide comment or two about it.

Luna's chess moves are brought to you by r/AnarchyChess! (en passant honhonhon)

That was Qiu's dad paraphrasing Zhuangzi Dasheng. It seems to be the crux of Ron's issues with Quidditch nerves, so I thought he needed to hear it! And I'm glad you like where I'm going with Qiu. OG Pureblood Culture worldbuilder kept bashing her, so every time that happened I made Qiu cooler :P

Yes! Proof of the magic hair indeed :D

re: Lady Polixenes: ;)

Thanks for reading!

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