Subject: Wait, do we do that?
Posted on: 2024-04-09 11:49:47 UTC

I feel like telling the Pyros to deal with something as abstract as "culture" is asking for trouble, myself; like everything else around here, it will end in fire. Which is fine when it's "uncanonical location", but the sort of fires you get when dealing with "that person shouldn't use that term" can be a bit... messy.

Are we positive this isn't what Madame Orchid has been up to all these years? I know the Handbook says the Department of Culture is defunct, but one does hear rumours... not Kayleigh's one about Madame Orchid being the same Orchid as the Nightshade's friend who reportedly died during the "Crashing Down" invasions, I'm sure I'd know if that were the case, but it's been a long time since I met anyone who actually knows what's going on down in the basements.


((I mean, we've got a Department of Culture, and an idea for a Department to deal with Culture... what's not to like? Agent Laurel of the "Phantom of the Opera Department" operated out of the basements back in my 'Woodsprite' mission, so they could have just been down there the entire time, slowly expanding their remit to become the "leave other cultures alone" department. Phantoms of the PPC, so to speak, though I know a few actual ghosts in the place who might object to that. ~hS))

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