Subject: Her details are indeed spotty.
Posted on: 2024-04-12 19:56:19 UTC

Yeeah, that one mission she was in was... not great. It kept having SPaG flaws in the mission itself, and it was hard to tell when those ended and the badfic's began. The author's spelling of Mary Sue as "Mary sue" really annoyed me for some reason.

And yeah, Madame Orchid doesn't get much description in there. IMO, it would still be fun to use her for the proposed Department of Cultural Inaccuracies, as it's pretty similar to what she did previously. Fashion might work, too, though I do understand your reservations about having that as a department per se.

I don't know what Flower you would be confusing her for, but that might just be me and my limited knowledge of Flowers. I need to read more PPC spinoffs.


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