Subject: "You have my mace!" --Agent Gall
Posted on: 2024-04-11 20:48:29 UTC

TBH I think a DVD/Blu-ray box would work fine—it's the concentration of canon doing the work as a "holy" object, not the physical mass. It's just more satisfying to smack a possessed character with something more solid. {= )

But Gall (who is from there) would definitely lend your agents her canonical-enough mace or even herself and Fellrazer if they asked. She will be offended she wasn't given the mission in the first place, and she might try to coerce some kind of payment out of the agents for her services, but leaning on the fact that it's her home will sway her.

And I'm happy to look over the mission for you if you want to borrow her, too!


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