Subject: Is it bad to say that I want more?
Posted on: 2015-01-23 20:59:00 UTC

I enjoyed the mission, and what with this thing apparently being a badfic classic, I kinda want to see the famous bad parts addressed. ^^;

Also, did you know <a href="
Silverblade">Link Jr. is an agent? I didn't, but I vaguely recalled knowing the name Jenna Silverblade from somewhere, so I searched it, and lo and behold, there he was. It gives me an idea... suppose Jenna didn't quite die under all that punctuation, and managed to revive and continue the story? I dunno if Rina and Randa could stand to go back, at least not on their own, but if you could somehow rope Agent Phobos into it, he would be very useful to have along. He knows Ocarina of Time and isn't bothered by M-rated things.

... Not that I'm telling you to actually do this, unless you want to. It might be a good story, but not if you simply want nothing more to do with the fic, and who could blame you? Anyway, I wouldn't want to do it the honor of devoting any more of our time to it than necessary.

Anyway, good work!

Meanwhile, in FicPsych...

"Ah, Link, you're awake! My name is Jen—"


"... Oh, shards. A little help in here!"


"Immie? Nath? Anyone?"


"Fer cryin' out... where did I put that syringe...? Aha!"


"Whew. This might take longer than I thought."



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