Subject: I've got three in there.
Posted on: 2015-11-26 16:40:00 UTC

And they've been there since mid to late 2011, though they were a six month old and two fetuses at that point. They should be, um, roughly three and four by now? All three are badfic rescues (Torchwood canon, historical mission still in the works--Karen and I want to rewrite what we have, and are both kind of busy with school right now); two are on the wiki, under Seren Sato and Owain Sato, because they appeared in a TYH interlude as well as an rp. Their older sister, Ruby, doesn't have her own page.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure the RP link works anymore. Hopefully, it's archived. I can give you descriptions of personality and so on if you want to use them (which would be pretty cool :) ), but I'd prefer to be able to look over their appearance(s) before you post. Depending on the piece and what's going on IRL at that point, I can act as a general beta as well, if you like. But yeah, the Satos making an appearance sounds like a lot of fun. I'm in with the condition of looking them over :)


PS: If you've read the interlude--Davey isn't around yet, and probably won't be for a while yet, assuming he does make it into canon. It's just Ruby, Seren, and Owain for now.

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