Subject: You're one of today's lucky 10,000!
Posted on: 2018-04-20 09:02:00 UTC

(Haha, I wish 10K people came across Plort every day...!)

Hear, o newcomer, the tale of this battlemented isle, this fortress in the northern seas, this bastion of Kanun, this legacy of Jay and Acacia. Hear of the legacy of our proud Union, of the trials of its past, the great names which have been spoken in these fabled halls, the battles that have been fought and the treaties which have been forged. Hear and wonder, o new-come to Konti-Nyuum; hear now the...

History of the Protectorate of Plort, Konti-Nyuum

(And when you've read the History, you can jump to the Beginners' Guide to figure out what in the name of Spelin Tam-Ara is going on. ^_^)


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