Subject: You can have two
Posted on: 2018-04-19 13:27:00 UTC

Here's the full-colour map, which is rather too big to put in the post:

The Union of Plort

Including at long last and after considerable debate a conclusion to the question of where the rivers of the Riding flow - the Meibot starts south of the Bravneits, while the west-east river is the Jid'ryv. Phew!

And here is the baronial colours map:

The colours on the map are based on how HTML interprets people's names in the font tag - <font color="Name Here">Text Here</font>. So I use Huinesoron green, Neshomeh uses Neshomeh blue, etc. For our two new barons, the names used in the colours are Hieronymus and Larf J Stockins (coming out as E0 00 00 and 0A 00 C0 respectively); it took a bit of fiddling to find colours that didn't overlap too closely with the other barons.

The two new castles (the Larfen Shack and the Scowler's Hermitage) are marked; on the great map on the wall of Otik, they are represented by carved gemstones. I'm thinking Carnelian for Hieronymus and perhaps Tanzanite for Larfen, but am open to suggestions; the currently-active stones are listed here, and we've also had Jasper, Amber, and Topaz in use. (Also apparently I reused Turquoise - oops!)


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