Subject: Oh, is it that time already?
Posted on: 2018-03-03 11:49:00 UTC

Goodness me! Alrighty! I'm in and shippable--although I've been so silent for the past few months, I don't think any of our newbies have even encountered me. Hello to anyone I haven't met yet! No slash or genderbending for me, and please keep it SFA. For any newbies that (for some reason?) want to ship me and haven't encountered that term, SFA is SFW, but more so. Basically, keep it PG, please ^_^

As for the description, I'm female, average height, with dirty blonde hair that sometimes likes to be brown and sometimes likes to be a weird sort of reddish-brown. It curls a bit when it feels kind and gets weird waves when it feels grumpy. I have dark brown eyes, and fairly dark eyebrows that I like to call female-Gandalf brows (cf. the description of Gandalf in the Hobbit).

Also, I'm not quite buff like Agent Alleb (yet) but I'm actually starting to get a bit of definition in my arms! Yay for working out!

I don't have any ships yet. Gotta get back in the shipping mindset; we'll see what I come up with later on.

Also, Larfen, I think I still owe you payback for that me/Marty Robbins fic last year. It's on.


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