Subject: Depth-first Search
Posted on: 2018-02-24 03:04:00 UTC

RC 112358 echoed with the sound of a furious search. Drawers were being systematically opened, rummaged through, emptied, re-filled, closed, and then opened again several minutes later. Anything resembling a container in the room was checked and re-checked, including pockets. The beds and furniture were moved to check for the lost item. Peregrin even tried to move the console, which didn't budge, but it was worth a try. Throughout all this, muttered questions like "now where did I leave...?" and "where could I have put...?" could be heard, usually paired with Peregrin scratching his head or beard.

Peregrin scoured the room about two and a half times before coming to the conclusion that what he was looking for was likely not there. He stood around and tried to make a list of where he had been recently, and when he last remembered having this thing.

"I had it out on the mission ... and then I put in that bag over there..." he said, pointing at the bag and going to check it (which yielded no results) "and then when we returned I went to ... where did I go? Rudi's, I believe. Or was it... Hm... . Either way, I took it out there, and so I did not leave it on the mission. I think. So where...?"

Peregrin sat down on the floor, took some deep breaths, and tried to remember.

Right as he got to thinking, the RC's door opened. Taq walked in, looking as if he'd just finished practicing with his sword - for that was what he had been doing.

"Eh?" Peregrin said, looking around. "Oh, Taq! Would you happen to remember where our CAD is?" he asked. "I, ah," he looked down sheepishly, "seem to have misplaced it."

Taq took a step back, just to make sure he was out of easy striking range. "Sir, it exploded, sir. On th' mission, sir. Ya took th' bits t' DoSAT, sir."

Peregrin stood up with his memory thoroughly jogged. "Oh, yes, yes, it did. Right. Thank you for reminding me." He then walked over to a chalkboard that he'd managed to get installed on one wall, circled something, and told the air "So that experiment will need to be delayed to the arrival of a new CAD. So now ... oh, idea! What if the total flux through a stable plothole were non-zero. That would imply plotholes were directional, which is contradicted by, so no, unless... hold... it could be..." All of this mathematics was accompanied by occasional marks on the chalkboard, which made no sense to anyone else, and often didn't make much sense to Peregrin a few days later either.

Taq, meanwhile, shrugged and walked back out of the RC after setting down his sword. This human the Flowers had put him under was weird, even by their standards, and Taq was not needed when he was like this. So, he went to go get a drink, wondering how Peregrin had managed to get promoted to any sort of senior position to distract himself on the way there.

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