Subject: Re: prompt
Posted on: 2018-03-01 02:35:00 UTC

Oh, I really like your adult!Longbottom here. He's very kind and considerate, and noticeably more confident and mature than when we saw him in his teenage years. But he also still has that little familiar note of hesitation, and not wanting to insert himself too forcefully into another person's business.

Poor Ix. I keep trying to think of a way to get them safely out of the clutches of the bullies, but . . . it's never that simple, is it? But I like that we also clearly see their hard work ethic, even when it's piled up in much greater amounts than Ix can reasonably handle. The detail that the dorm stairs sometimes deny Ix access based on their fluidity is fun, too.

—doctorlit, thinking Neville would make an excellently patient teacher

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