Subject: And: paging anyone who knows Civ 6.
Posted on: 2019-02-23 20:39:00 UTC

I'm considering putting together a Civ 6 Plort AI run to go with the Civ 4 one. But... there are a whole host of leaders now, and only 10 Barons. I'm considering adding Protector Tomash and High Priestess Scapegrace to the mix, but even that only makes 12...

I have some of my own notes on which leaders could fit for which PPCers, but I'd like some other input! I don't currently have Gathering Storm (which is a shame, because Eleanor of Aquitaine has some pretty Neshomeh hair going on there, and Dido looks fantastic for Kaitlyn), but other than that I've got everything.

So... based on appearance, personality, traits, countries, or whatever, who do you think I should use for our 12 players? (Delta Juliette, Zingenmir, Hieronymus, Kaitlyn, Phobos, Neshomeh, PoorCynic, Larfen, Iximaz, Scapegrace, Tomash... and me.)

(In case it makes any difference, I figure on adding map-edge continents stuffed with city-states, if I can make it work. Having them share Konti-Nyuum with the PPC would be a bit messed up.)


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