Subject: My notes from last year:
Posted on: 2019-02-24 13:23:00 UTC

With parenthetical notes from Modern hS.

JULIETTE - *Catherine de Medici - spies - France (I have no idea why.)
ESHAKHAR - *Cleopatra - trade, military - Egypt (... also no idea why. Vaguely eastern?)
HIERONYMUS - Gandhi - religion, peace - India (He's old, he's peaceful)
KAITLYN - *Gorgo - Culture - Greece (Greece is cultural, which fits nicely. Also El Jheycom was always Greek-inspired.)
PHOBOS - Harald - Navy - Norway (Big beard. ^^)
PC - Monty - Luxuries, military - Aztec (Monty is a resource-hogging military type; Baron PC rules over the mines that supply our weapons.)
HUINESORON - Peter - faith - Russia (... he's got my hair? Best guess is I was aiming for science + expansion.)
LARF - Teddy - Military - America (Because Teddy is funny. ^
IXIMAZ - *Tomyris - military - Scythia (Ix is a terrifying warrior for Goodfic. Also something to do with horses?)
NESHOMEH - *Victoria - expansion - England
(I have no idea why.)


Okay, so now my current thoughts:

-Is Larf Australian? In my head he is, so must be John Curtin of Aus.
-I like Kaitlyn of Greece, and would love Kaitlyn of Phoenecia, but in the absence of GS, I think Wilhelmina of the Dutch would work well. She has a focus on culture and loyalty, as well as trade, which Kaitlyn is ideally suited for.
-Neshomeh has to be a writing-focussed leader. Victoria's museums actually fit pretty well; Jadwiga of Poland is another possibility.
-Phobos obviously needs to be big, burly, and bearded. ^_^ Harald is a bit rubbish on a single landmass, but Cyrus of Persia (trade), Robert of Scotland (happiness), or Gilgamesh (exploration) would be good. All are very warlike, too. (Barbarossa is a backup choice, but relies a bit too much on city states.)
-I still like Monty for PC, but Poundmaker for trade also looks good.
-If Kaitlyn is no longer Greece, Hieronymus has to be Pericles, owner of the only grey beard. He's also cultural, which goes well with HG.
-Juliette should be a science leader. Seondeok of Korea looks good for her.
-Cleopatra actually works well for Eshakhar, who is at the junction of multiple trade routes.
-Tomyris still looks good for Ix, or possibly Gitarja of Indonesia, who would work well on the coast (and Ix's largest settlement already has an Indonesian theme).
-For myself, Peter still looks decent. Baron Me has a bit of a religious bent, which fits well.
-Priestess Scapegrace obviously must be a religious leader. Jadwiga of Poland is a perfect fit.
-Tomash, like Juliette, should be a scientist... but through an interesting quirk, most of the science leaders are women. Failing that, Qin Shi Huang of China has a science boost, and gets in on the 'building wonderful things' side of Tomash.


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