Subject: Heads up, gang! The Notary's been replaced by a pod person!
Posted on: 2018-10-10 22:14:00 UTC

Maybe some sort of shape-shifter? Or a Raxicoricofalapatorian criminal, they like that sort of thing.

{Oh, come on, Adil, you can see she's trying.}

Hey, I never said I was complaining. I'm all for the pod person; can think of a few other people I'd like to see get the same treatment.

{Has it occured to you that bugging her like this is just going to make her STOP trying to be... well, I'm not sure if 'nice' is the word...}

Good point! Counterpoint: it's pretty funny when she drives Orange and White up the wall, so what's my motivation for encouraging her to change?

{Maybe you're just a good person?}

... I don't think that sounds like me.

{No, forget I said anything.}

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