Subject: Re: mission (spoilers)
Posted on: 2019-09-08 20:02:00 UTC

Oh, I very much like getting new episodes from the past! I especially like the opening, with the Courtyard being nearly unknown to most of HQ (and being much smaller than it is today, at least as I see your description?), as well as the Elm foreshadowing its later role by already starting to spy on agents. I also liked the acknowledgement of the PPC's rapid staff explosion, and the distrust of the color pink making Vemi's dress unique enough for Dafydd to comment on; I suspect there's a bit more color variety in HQ nowadays, such that heads wouldn't turn at seeing pink quite so much.

I was amused at Dafydd's complete lack of understanding in the Potterverse. Even knowing how Tolkien-focused were the earliest days of the PPC—both in-universe and out-—it's still funny to think there was a point in time when Harry Potter was such a tiny, fledgling fandom that one of the PPC's poster-boy agents was entirely unaware of it. It's interesting how attitudes and common cultural knowledge change over time in a society!

The moment that most amused me was the REBECCA gag. It's interesting to see Suvians so devoid of personality that derailing the fic makes one blue-screen and the other just have the same reaction to danger over and over and over . . . I'm insterested to see what shenanigans Jenae is going to get up to in the future. (Unless that's already been published, and I don't remember?)

The only typo I saw is a mini-Aragog:
"'Crucio! Confringio! Colovaria? No? Nothing?'"
It's actually "Confringo" with one "i," though I admit I had to look it up to double-check . . .

—"REBECCA! doctorlit is leaving a review on the Board!"

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