Subject: Vemi is... Vemi.
Posted on: 2019-09-09 12:15:00 UTC

Like many author insert agents, she's very good at manic violence, and not so good at expressing her feelings in a healthy way. She's working on it. (Or... was, fifteen years ago.)

The hiss... I see your point, but I don't know what to do with it. I'm trying to avoid slapping adverbs all over the place; what I'm going for is a fairly manic whisper.

I actually completely spaced that Jenae and Alexia were supposed to be different characters until my final checks. But yep, Jenae has this whole rambling story about how her sister was kidnapped. Aaaand we just left her in Hogwarts.

I'm sure it'll be fine.

I'm glad you enjoyed the mission!


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