Subject: Very nice!
Posted on: 2019-08-02 00:05:00 UTC

Ruxanda is quite a character, and I enjoyed getting to know her - you differentiate her from both May and Melissa well.

I don't know the source of the Agent Trojie misquote, but now I want to find it.

I did notice one tense shift: "The agents stared at the OC, who delivered this bit of dialogue in a flat monotone, including the moaning - which sounds really disturbing when clearly enunciated." sounds -> sounded

Also (this is a complaint at the fic, not you) Chica is not a duck.

Then (this is for the mission) Melissa is not referred to as regaining consciousness before they portal ahead.

I did like the fan being used for something!

And I also liked the Hope Spot/plot twist before the mission could end smoothly.

Thank you for writing! =D

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