Subject: Re: ...Is that really necessary?
Posted on: 2019-07-10 03:37:00 UTC

I did appreciate the apology, but the rule seemed less hard-and-fast to me, as some of the subsequent comments implied, since he appears to have said that he's now accepting female betas.
My main objection wasn't the rule itself, necessarily, but there were some implications in the comments about "we all have desires" that bothered me more. It's possible I misread the implication of that, but it did seem kinda dismissive of both women who might not be interested in men, which is something that bothers me a lot, or of people's ability to restrain their desires in general.
I did worry that I came across as "apologize harder," and thanks for pointing that out. He apologized for the rule, which is fine by me, but didn't retract or clarify any of the implications about women, and it's those implications that I would like an apology for, or explanation of.
I don't object at all to you asking me to clarify- I don't want to be hurtful at all, especially since he did apologize, something that I appreciate.
(I might also not have seen all of the comments that were made, which may mean I missed a clarification on Neo's part).

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