Subject: Oh, I see.
Posted on: 2019-07-09 06:07:00 UTC

That's pretty interesting, actually--I've run into a similar rule (I'm assuming from a different religion, though for all I know it's the same one--it's just statistically unlikely, in my experience), but never thought about how it might manifest online. There's also little to no online use among a good chunk of the people who follow it, though I'm sure I could turn up something written for the ones who do go online a lot more.

If you don't mind the question--is this your own extension of that rule, or an official part of it? Either way, it's valid; I'm just curious. (And no need to answer if you'd rather not.)

I'm currently trying to avoid signing on to beta more things before I've made more progress on the two projects I'm already involved with (not to mention I'm skating in and out of busy times), but hopefully someone else will be able to come on board and help you with the editing process. Good luck!


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