Subject: I worry about seeming to condone it.
Posted on: 2019-07-02 16:53:00 UTC

There are still people going around insisting we're bullies out to attack anyone who doesn't agree with our elitist fanfiction regime, after all. The attitude explicitly displayed on that account would be a great point in their case with nothing on our side to refute it.

I agree that something feels a little skeevy about up and denouncing a person who isn't even around anymore, but on the other hand, that's who they were twelve years ago. It's not about them as a person now, it's about how they expressed themself twelve years ago, and making it known that we're actually not cool with that sort of thing now and wish it hadn't happened then.

So, that's my case. I don't know if it's a good enough case, though, which is why I didn't unilaterally decide to do it. {= )


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