Subject: Either way, we're not losing anything.
Posted on: 2019-07-03 14:27:00 UTC

A) We never had it to begin with, since it wasn't on any of the lists until (I discovered) doctorlit added it to the Final Fantasy page a few years ago, and B) Out of Continuity is a category for housing stuff that's not canon so we can still keep track of it and it can be found if anyone's specifically looking, because I hate losing information as much as you do. {= )

That said, I agree the story itself isn't thaaat bad (though the "one man gay pride parade" comment as insult raises my eyebrows), so I think a compromise sounds good. I propose that I make a page for the author and give a brief explanation there. There isn't enough information about the main agent for him to get a page of his own (let alone the rest of them), so that can go there, too.

Rest assured, I don't want to slide down the slippery slope, either. {= )


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