Subject: "Can you hear that?"
Posted on: 2019-06-11 14:35:00 UTC

Charlotte had thought this was a bad idea. A terrible, horrible, no-good very, very bad idea, but she felt she owed Kaitlyn (even though this technically was her volunteering to play rather being roped in as part of the favor she owed).

Now, though, she was beginning to regret asking as the ground underneath them began trembling.

Technician Alex Dives gulped and reached up to lightly scritch his blue fire-lizard's eye ridges. "Shh, Zeke," he murmured. "It's alright."

"You have seen the movie before, right?" Charlotte demanded.

"Only once," Alex admitted. "And I was just a kid, then, so—"

He was cut off when the ground erupted and out poured a swarm of beetles, earthworms, ants, and—

"SPIDERS!" Charlotte screamed, jumping up and tripping over her feet. In her haste to get away, coupled with a healthy dose of sheer terror, she'd forgotten she wasn't a vampire anymore.

Zeke screeched and took flight, circling anxiously above the game board as Alex grit his teeth and pressed through the swarm to grab the dice.

One and four. The orange piece moved ahead and words appeared in the center.

Now turn your faces to the sky
Unless you'd rather keep them dry.

[Purple: 9. (Yellow: 11) Orange: 5. (Teal: 17). Purple up.]

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